
Correlated grammaticalization: The rise of articles in Indo-European

Grammaticalization is characterized by robust directional asymmetries (e.g., Kuteva et al. 2019). For instance, body-part nominals develop into spatial adpositions, minimizers develop into negation markers, and subject pronouns become agreement …

Toward a non-teleological account of demonstrative reinforcement

It has long been debated whether morphosyntactic change is teleological. Jespersen (1917:4), for instance, maintained that emphatic negative constructions are created in response to the weakening of older negative adverbs. Others have argued that …

Correlated Grammaticalization

Grammaticalization does not occur in a vacuum

Correlated grammaticalization

Ennius Annales 550 Sk (= 537 V2) and the history of Lat. atque

Ennius 550 Sk (atque atque accedit muros Romana iuventus, ‘The Roman youth atque atque advanced against the walls’) has long puzzled scholars on account of what appear to be side-by-side tokens of the conjunction atque ‘and’. …

Review of J. Willmott, The moods of Homeric Greek (Cambridge 2007)