
Statistical phylogenetics

Spring 2020

Ancestral state estimation in Indo-European and beyond

Winter 2020

A realizational account of Homeric -φι(ν)

Although the morphology of Homeric Greek has been richly described and rigorously analyzed, from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective, most of this work is tacitabout the relationship between morphosyntactic properties and their formal …

Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Language change and linguistic theory

Many archaic Indo‐European languages exhibit a system of dual conjunction in which they possess both a head‐initial exponent (e.g., Latin et) and an enclitic exponent (e.g., Latin ⸗que). Mitrović (2014) and Mitrović & Sauerland (2016) argue that …

Ennius Annales 550 Sk (= 537 V2) and the history of Lat. atque

Ennius 550 Sk (atque atque accedit muros Romana iuventus, ‘The Roman youth atque atque advanced against the walls’) has long puzzled scholars on account of what appear to be side-by-side tokens of the conjunction atque ‘and’. …

Indo-European phylogenetics

Fall 2018

Proceedings of the 28th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Proceedings of the 29th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Proceedings of the 27th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference